So I've been working on a couple new tracks over the past couple weeks. Been sampling from NG submissions, which is a really good source of sample-worth material. I think of these new tracks as something of a two-part series, as they're done with similar styles. Went with a somewhat modern feel with them. The first is done with violins as the main insrument, and the second is done mostly with piano. The second contains a copyrighted sample, and therefore I will not be uploading the full version, so it will sound pretty incomplete. If it gets a good response, you can PM me and I'll send you the complete version.
Anyway, these tracks will be uploaded as soon as I do some tweaking on them. I'm still practicing mastering, but rather than wait until I'm good at it, I'll upload them for criticizm and let the good people of NG tell me what they think it needs. I'm still looking for some good drum samples as well, so I can stop using my pathetic drum VSTs, but I still haven't found anything, so for now I'm using some complete crap which I'll be replacing as soon as I find something better. I think that's all, so stay tuned and I'll get those up as soon as possible.
PS. And check out some of my current submissions. I could use some feedback. Thanks!
Edit: I'd also like to thank Gunner-D for taking the time to review my works. So far he's reviewed 4 of my tracks, and left good honest feedback on all of them. So thanks a lot man, you're feedback is great.