Well, it's a bit early to be posting this, I suppose, but the end of June is my 21st birthday. So start recommending drinks now, because I plan on being totally shit-faced by the time that day ends. So if you've had any particular drink in the past that you really enjoy, suggest it here. Maybe I'll try it! And while you're at it, check out some of my beats. Comments are always welcome. I respond to all reviews, and will review one of your works as well. Thanks to everyone who regularly listens and votes, reviews, etc. Shout out to BlowinMoneyENT and Gunner-D especially. Also thanks to my friend Familia Risky, who will probably never see this anyway because she doesn't visit NG unless I link her to one of my tracks. She's a huge fan, and her support is definitely inspiring. Thank you all.
--Johnny Crysis
Happy birfdayy. can you buy me alchohal. lololol =]
Party tiiiiime. You rock the beats, and I'll bring the booze.