So, a while back, I announced that I would be taking a break from my usual Hip Hop, and recording a few Punk tracks. Well, I didn't exactly take a break from Hip Hop, just recorded a few Punk riffs here and there in between beats. Nothing special, in fact, I didn't really put much effort. It's just a few generic power chord riffs over generic Punk Rock drum patterns. But I had fun with it, and maybe some of you will enjoy them. I'm going to post a 4-part series, but due to NG's 2-uploads-per-day limit, I've only got 2 up at the time that I'm typing this. Links are below. Check 'em out, review, vote, download. Important thing is that you enjoy it. Thanks to all of you who like my music, I love you all, and if you hate my music..well, I'm not so petty that I'd hate you for it, I love you just the same. Thanks!
Drunken Stupor
[Currently Untitled]