3.61 / 5.00 (+ 0.69)
I think the piano was my favorite part. Everything in this track combined really well. This track is full of emotion. I like it. Nice work!
3.61 / 5.00 (+ 0.69)
I think the piano was my favorite part. Everything in this track combined really well. This track is full of emotion. I like it. Nice work!
Thanks for the review
2.71 / 5.00 (+ 1.35)
Again, a very indie/underground feel. I like that element in your music. You sound somewhat like Jim Morrison when you sing. Guitar tone is really awesome. Straight up Rock N Roll. Awesome track right here.
thanx j.r...
4.03 / 5.00 (+ 0.020)
Pretty nice. Progresses really well, doesn't repeat too much. It stays interesting. Can't wait to hear some more versions of it. Good job, and good luck!
Thanks... This one is my brainchild. It's got next to no repetition, and it flows well, like you said. Thanks for being the first one to review it! Check out some of my new work coming soon!
4.43 / 5.00 (+ 0.013)
I really like the piano work in this. Very emotional piece. Good work!
Thank you very much! :D
Been checking your page for way too long waiting for something new. I'm glad you're actually...you know..really back. I like the laid back, chill feel that this beat has. I can feel myself slipping into a trance just listening. Hope you keep posting, because I'm still listening. Keep it up.
yeah im back this time :D
keep an eye out next week il probably upload and DNB/TRANCE-ISH track or maybe something completely different :)
4.10 / 5.00 (+ 0.72)
I like that guitar tone. Has a very Indie/Underground feel to it. Blends really well with the Rock N Roll style of singing. I like your style man. Keep up the good work!
thanks for the comment.. its a slow blues. and i did,nt want it to be borin.. so messed with the affects and came up with that sound.. i think it makes the btrack more interestin.. cheers gaz
Good God man, it's out of control! Here, quick, take my entire bank account, I must have this beat! It's awesome level is over 9,000!
Thank you kindly, but I don't want your entire bank account.
I also want your house, car, dog, girlfriend, past 2 ex girlfriends, and your grandmothers cookies.
4.85 / 5.00 (+ 0.034)
Amazing. I especially like the video game synth. Also pretty sweet that you sampled some vocals in there. Cool beat.
thats the same track for the synth, wannabe gangsta 330747 DJ FiendO. I used short clips from Exceptid and Cynic, the top two MCs from the comp last year and Red & White cause of his top notch vocals.
4.34 / 5.00 (+ 0.16)
I love those synth sounds. This is beautiful man. I totally feel like I'm on acid or something. I love it. This is going to be in my head for days now. Awesome beat.
thanks :D
5.00 / 5.00 (+ 0.0000060)
I like it. Very spacy sounding. I could go raving to this track. Extra points for nostalgic value. I used to play that game all the time. One of my favorites. Nice track.
Thank you!! :)
Hey. Check my music. Review me and I review you. Fair trade? I think so.
Age 34, Male
Your ear drums
Joined on 5/27/09